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At the Core of the City


At the Core of the City: Chinatown

Calgary’s Chinese community was established when immigrants from China arrived to labour on the railroad at the end of the 19th century. In its 135 years history, Calgary’s Chinatowns have been facing constant threats of disappearance. Today, rapid city redevelopments and accelerated gentrification are reasons why Chinatown is at risk. This is happening even as new economic prosperity in China is allowing new immigrants to settle in Canada. 

Despite facing other challenges such as a growing elderly population and the increasing suburbanization of the Asian population, Calgary’s Chinatown will evolve and adapt in order to stay relevant. 

Chinese Canadians have a deep emotional and personal attachment for this neighbourhood. This Chinatown is one of many immigrant communities across Canada who played a historical role in helping build this nation and still continues to shape the cultural landscape of today. Many similar neighbourhoods in North America are fighting for their survival. These images are an homage to it’s preservation.